LIVE Gulf Coast Bottom Oysters individually sold!!
Sold in individual- increments --The gulf oyster is a certain species of oyster (also known as the eastern oyster, or Crassostrea virginica) native to the American South and the Gulf of Mexico.
Besides the savory flavor, Oysters also freeze very well, retaining their flavor when thawed correctly. This also gives them a longer shelf life, making them big hits with local families and diners. Weight is also a valued trait with gulf oysters, as heavier oysters indicate both fresher meat and a greater amount of it. Oysters are packed with high-quality protein, essential minerals like zinc, iron, and selenium; and contain vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin B-12. Oysters contain other minerals that help our immune system, and have anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties. The enzymes activitated by oysters can also help fight cardiovascular disease and help with nerve function, and the magnesium and potassium in the mollusks can contribute to lower blood pressure. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Dietary Guidelines encourage Americans to eat seafood twice per week to support health and nutrition, so if you consume oysters, you’ll reap in the benefits!