SWAI FILLETS 7-10 oz 2 pounds



Swai is a white-flesh fish, with a sweet, mild, taste and light flaky texture and stands out for the following characteristics:

  • Low-fat content.
  • Contains Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Rich in protein.
  • Contains B group vitamins.
  • Rich in minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, and iron.
  • The flavor is perfect for many eaters who don't prefer any trace of "fishiness." It's sweet and mild, with a slightly buttery flavor. Because it is so mild, swai fish works well with marinades, acting as a blank canvas that absorbs the flavor of whatever it is paired with.

    For some, the flavor and texture match that of farmed salmon. Others liken the texture and taste to catfish. Regardless, the versatility of its taste and texture means that it works well in many dishes where a more expensive catch might not be a possibility. Swai fish adds nutrition to a dish while letting strong flavors and other ingredients shine.